The Expatriate Center

Harrow Shanghai open day

The Expatriate Center
2024-03-16 to 2024-03-16
Harrow International School Shanghai 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校
588 Gaoxi Rd 高西路588号
2024-03-16 to 2024-03-16
Harrow International School Shanghai 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校
588 Gaoxi Rd 高西路588号

At The Expatriate Center (TEC), we are delighted to extend a warm invitation to the community for an Open Day from one of our Ambassador's Centers, Harrow International School Shanghai on 16 March, Saturday!

This will be the first major Open Day in 2024, so join them to explore the school and discover the exceptional educational opportunities it provides, helping you choose the right educational path for your child. Explore the following information to learn more.

外籍人士中心 (TEC),很高兴邀请各位参加我们的大使中心之一,上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校将于3月16日 (周六) 举办开放日活动!这将会是2024年首场大型开放日,快抓住机会来探索哈罗并发现其提供的卓越教育机会,为你的孩子选择合适的教育道路。继续阅读了解更多有关开放日的详情。这将是给家长和学生一次宝贵的体验。

Event info:

Tickets: Free

Venue: Harrow International School Shanghai 上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校

Address: 588 Gaoxi Rd 上海市浦东新区高西路588号

For more information or questions, please contact The Expatriate Center (TEC)

Tel: 021-22850791


WeChat: TheExpatriateCenter