The Expatriate Center

Scottish Connector – A Night Celebrating Robert Burns 2024

The Expatriate Center
2024-01-25 to 2024-01-25
Thought For Food by Octave 意膳坊
1/F, 357 Jianguo Rd W. 上海市徐汇区建国西路357号
2024-01-25 to 2024-01-25
Thought For Food by Octave 意膳坊
1/F, 357 Jianguo Rd W. 上海市徐汇区建国西路357号

BritCham Shanghai invites members and friends to join them for a social networking event on Burns Night, 25 January! The evening will be structured to combine the best of a Scottish Connections networking event – capturing the spirit of the great Scottish poet and lyricist, Robert Burns. Enjoy an evening with haggis, poems, laughter, and much more. Tap the poster above to sign up now.

外籍人士中心 (TEC)的合作伙伴之一,上海英国商会诚邀会员和朋友们参加1月25日的伯恩斯之夜社交活动!欢迎热爱苏格兰文化的伙伴们前来相聚,享用美食、美酒、享受诗歌和音乐带来的欢乐,点击上方海报即可报名参加。

Event info:

Tickets: 120-180 yuan (US$12.86-19.71)

Venue: Thought For Food by Octave 意膳坊

Address: 1/F, 357 Jianguo Rd W.  上海市徐汇区建国西路357号

For more information or questions, please contact The Expatriate Center (TEC)

Tel: 021-22850791


WeChat: TheExpatriateCenter