The Expatriate Center

Author Talk Series: "Outsider" ("洋盘")

The Expatriate Center
2024-01-15 to 2024-01-15
大酉 The Merchants
52 Yongfu Rd 徐汇区永福路52号
2024-01-15 to 2024-01-15
大酉 The Merchants
52 Yongfu Rd 徐汇区永福路52号

AmCham Shanghai is pleased to announce a book talk and reception featuring author Christopher St. Cavish on his book of "Outsider." The event will take place on Monday, 15 January, 2024. You can click the above link to register and come listen to his sharing.

上海美国商会将于1月15日举办一场新书讲座和招待会。邀请作家Christopher St. Cavish分享他的新书:洋盘:迈阿密青年和上海小笼包。你可以点击上方链接报名来现场听他的精彩分享。

Event info:

Tickets: 120-180 yuan (US$13.14-19.71)

Venue: The Merchants 大酉

Address: 52 Yongfu Rd  徐汇区永福路52号 

For more information or questions, please contact The Expatriate Center (TEC)

Tel: 021-22850791


WeChat: TheExpatriateCenter